Are you getting turned away from your commercial printers or being quoted extortionate costs for printing?
Another holiday season approaches since the pandemic began, and with it, in tandem, is yet another challenge for retailers. Nationwide paper shortages and price increases, coupled with unpredictable supply chains, are crippling both the print industry and retailers across North America at the critical retail period of 2021, with demand for printing skyrocketing.
It has been estimated that this could see 100 million circulars not printed or reaching US homes in time, and with the retail holiday shopping spend expected to exceed $200billion this year (eMarketer), the presenting threat for retailers being unable to reach their shoppers could not have come at a worse time. These *uncertain times,* however, shouldn’t mean you’re forced to forfeit your promotional materials ahead of the fast-approaching Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Christmas shopping occasions. It’s not too late to take things online and publish your circulars or holiday shopping gift guides with Red Pepper.
We’ve broken down some of the ways that digital circulars can benefit your business, whilst also circumventing print issues and price hikes:
First & foremost, they’re flexible.
Unlike print circulars, which are susceptible to many economical and environmental factors and not best adaptable for the volatile nature of retail, digital circulars provide flexibility. If you’re having supply chain challenges, if products are out of stock or prices change, for example, Red Pepper circulars are dynamic, evolving, and easily updated, to accomodate for those things that you can’t always predict or plan for.
Greater reach.
Your audience doesn’t need to be restricted to letterboxes. Print & PDF is static and limiting, and is reliant on print materials and external providers in order to reach your shoppers. Digital circulars allow you to overcome these barriers, hosted within your own site and easily promoted and shared across social channels and email. Red Pepper creates circulars that are personalized, interactive, dynamic, clickable and ecommerce enabled, plus, you’ll require no additional brand resource. With an average monthly readership of 1 million people, we know they’re a valuable addition to your marketing mix.
They’re shoppable.
Whether it’s a Cyber Monday flash sale, a Christmas gift guide or a yearly product circular, shoppers can browse your circular, discover new products and be inspired. Linked up with your ecommerce, including features and CTAs throughout such as add to wishlist, create shopping list, or buy now, shoppers have all the guidance they need to take them from ‘just browsing’ to purchasing within a matter of clicks. Digital circulars are simplifying the path to purchase, available for your shoppers to buy from, anywhere, on any device, at any time.
They’re measurable.
With every mouse hovered, product clicked, shopping list created and page turned, you’ll generate rich insights and analytics that print doesn’t allow for. The data visualization tools we provide allow you to understand what makes your shoppers tick and how they are consuming your content, empowering you to tailor future campaigns and drive ROI.
If you’re interested in publishing your circulars online, get in touch with us or request a demo.