When it comes to shopping, approximately half of consumers know what they want – they’ll search for it, select it and buy it. The others however, are happy to browse and be inspired; they’re in the product discovery phase.
For retailers, these shoppers are an opportunity. But how do they gain and capture their attention? How do retailers stand out from the crowd to create awareness and guide shoppers from discovery to purchase? And how can you engage with these shoppers in the right place at the right time, and at a reasonable cost – in time, money, and resource?
The omnichannel landscape that retailers now compete in means it’s not enough to solely have an exceptional brick and mortar experience with some online capability; and with 61% of shoppers in a recent study saying they prefer virtual window shopping to in-store browsing, in order to compete for a share of consumers in this product discovery phase, it’s imperative for retailers to think digital and stand out. The addition of a digital catalog could be a solution to this problem.
Firstly, What is a Digital Circular?
A digital circular is an additional piece of content to inspire customers and reach them where they are: online. They allow you to offer immersive brand experiences transformed from your otherwise static collateral, which is fully shoppable and can be enriched with a number of features, to create a branded, seamless shopping and discovery experience.
We’ll talk you through a selection of these features and what makes Red Pepper stand out below.

Shoppable content for a simple path to purchase.
Allow consumers to shop what they see as they are browsing your content. The digital catalogs we create for our customers are housed on the retailer’s own site and are ‘clipped’ with direct links to product information and ecommerce, seamlessly guiding the shopper through the branded customer journey, from discovery to purchase.
A customer can click on a product they see and like, bringing up a lightbox with more information and features like store locations, descriptions, prices, images, videos, save to a wishlist, and even buy now functionality, allowing them to add products to their cart as they browse and shop directly from your circular.
Bring Your Catalog to Life with Multimedia Content.
Traditional print circulars are static and one dimensional, while Red Pepper transforms these with the ability to embed rich media throughout such as animations, GIFs and videos. A fun way to delight and surprise shoppers, increasing engagement, conversion, and driving traffic to your website. You can tell a story about your product collection or latest looks to create an immersive experience, capturing the attention of those browsing.
Capturing and holding attention while shoppers are in the discovery phase is key to keeping your brand top-of-mind, as the first interaction won’t always lead to a buying decision. Through using animated pages, one Red Pepper client saw an increase in engagement of 160%, compared with static pages in previous circulars.
In 2020, 61% of visits to U.S. websites happened on mobile, and with more shoppers than ever before browsing and shopping on their mobile devices, it’s important to optimize content to suit this behaviour, or you risk missing out on converting more visitors.
Removing friction and making the path-to-purchase as smooth and user friendly as possible will have a significant, positive discovery experience for shoppers, leading to a longer visit duration and higher conversion rate.

Make it shareable.
Easily showcase your product collections across Facebook or email. Our platform enables you to easily share content down to the individual product level, meaning a shoppable experience is immediately available when shared.
Whether you’re sending out your circular in a newsletter to reconnect with your audience, or your customers are sharing products to their Facebook page, your digital circular is always available, giving you a greater chance of connecting with and inspiring shoppers in the right place, at the right time.
Use insights to improve your content.
What ties these features together is the insights; at Red Pepper we’re driven by analytics to increase reach, engagement and sales. Our customizable insights dashboard will empower you, showing you what makes your customers tick and understand how they are consuming your content. The rich insights we provide you with will allow you to tailor your content to improve future campaigns and drive ROI; one Red Pepper retail client saw an ROI of 29x.
Inspire your audience and increase reach, engagement and sales.
Supplement your online store and marketing activities with digital catalogs, allowing you to showcase your product collections and seamlessly guide consumers from discovery to purchase. The best bit though? At Red Pepper, we do the work for you using existing content. For a fraction of the cost of an agency or internal team spend, we’ll transform your static catalogs into interactive, fully shoppable, always-available, branded experiences that inspire and capture your audience.