The goal.
A leading global retailer in Australia wanted to implement an online circular solution to learn about their audience, with the aim of boosting engagement and increasing their audience in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The challenge.
During the first lockdown, print and distribution came to a holt and the retailer had only a basic online flyer solution. As they were not set up for ecommerce, they had limited touch points and engagements with their shoppers.
The results.
The online circular solution Red Pepper developed for this global grocery retailer enabled their shoppers to find store locations, build shopping lists, interactively browse deals and watch product videos, all before going to the store. Due to the high engagements, they now run three circulars at any one time (last week, this week, next week). As an additional feature, the retailer chose to extend the reach of their catalogs, utilising our bespoke solution ‘Amplify.’ Amplify requires no additional brand resource, yet it allows retailers to extend the reach of their products by pushing them into the Facebook ecosystem, in real time, to the right people, proving ROI and providing CTR insights.
27, 018
mobile shopping lists created while browsing
1, 244, 565
product clicks
33, 440
clicked on 'find my closest store' within the product lightbox
39, 450
videos watched