Otherwise referred to as a digital or online: flyer, catalog or publication, a digital circular is, to put it simply, a digital version of traditional print PDF circular. Though it’s not really so simple.
Below we unpack what digital circulars are, how they differ to the print version, and the value that Red Pepper can add.
Print circulars come with limitations; they’re increasingly outdated, inflexible, immeasurable and unsustainable, among other things. Digital circulars, however, allow you to overcome these barriers, providing a much richer experience for your shoppers, and generating actionable insights and analytics for your business. Beyond this, our digital circulars are packed full of impressive features; they’re shoppable, shareable via email or social channels, you can download or print, they have a familiar page corner fold & page turn effect, you can build shopping lists, have multiple versions, different languages and so much more!
At Red Pepper, we create digital circulars that are personalized, interactive, dynamic, clickable and ecommerce enabled. Read by an average of 1 million people monthly, we know they’re a powerful addition to your sales and marketing mix, and a valuable extension of your online promotional collateral or your online store (if you have one). Hosted within your own site, you’ll enable your shoppers to engage with your content anywhere, anytime, across any device and with a consistent user experience.
The way consumers discover brands, retailers and products has changed immensely, with shoppers increasingly looking towards online channels for inspiration. Digital circulars are a powerful channel to engage browsing shoppers, boost product discovery and spark inspiration, and allow for more creative possibilities in digital vs print such as adding animations or videos. You’ll create a richer experience for your target audience, and seamlessly guide circulars to conversion with CTAs throughout, simplifying the path to purchase.
Turn your circular into a sales platform and shopper insights engine. With every mouse hovered and every page turned, digital circulars allow you to generate data that print doesn’t allow for, and at Red Pepper, we deliver results through data. We provide the data visualization tools that will enable you to understand what makes your shoppers tick and learn how they are consuming your content, to tailor future campaigns and drive ROI.
From brand to brand, and retailer to retailer, we recognize individual requirements will vary in order to generate your best results, which is why Red Pepper is not an out of the box solution. We tailor, personalize, optimize and implement our solution in a way that suits you and your businesses’ needs.
We know the volatile nature of business and retail, so we’re flexible! If products are out of stock or you’re having issues with your supply chain, unlike print, your Red Pepper circulars are dynamic and easily updated to accommodate these things you can’t predict or for last minute changes.
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